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Our Programs

Our Programs


Friends@Home is the heart of Friendship Circle Cincinnati and is the secret to the deep friendships that are built between participants who visit together on a weekly basis.

Our Programs

Fun Fridays for Summer

Fun Fridays are programming offered for friends and teens of all ages and abilities who might be in town for the summer. Every other Friday from 10:00am-3:00pm. we will be offering a day full of activities. Check the newsletter for more information!

Our Programs

YAD Monday Meet-Ups

The Young Adult Monday Meet-Ups are an early evening program, often off-site, designed with our Young Adult friends of all abilities to join together in social opportunities for everyone!

Our Programs

Teen Social and Educational Events

Our teen social and educational events allow time for our teen volunteers to interact together and become a cohesive team to support and encourage each other as teen volunteer friends.

Our Programs

Holiday Events

All participants are invited to join us for an evening celebration of the winter holiday!

Our Programs

Parent's Support Group

The Parent's Support Group meets monthly with provided childcare for your children so that both parents are able to attend.

Our Programs

Sunday Circle

For one Sunday each month, all Friendship Circle Cincinnati participants are invited and encouraged to join together for a variety of fun and social activities together.

Our Programs

Special Events

Have you always wanted to share the Mega Challah Bake with family or friends who are sensitive to sound, crowds, or other stimulus? Now you can!

Our Programs

Holiday Events

At Friendship Circle, one of our goals is to help our young people to create a better connection to their Jewish Heritage. We do this through the celebration of the various Jewish holidays and traditions.

Our Programs

Holiday Events

Join us for the Annual Chanukah Menorah Lighting Celebration at the Tower in Summit Park in Blue Ash on Sunday, Dec. 18 at 5:30pm. Jeanne will be there from Friendship Circle Cincinnati to assure that all participants requiring accommodations for sensitivities can still participate in this celebration.

Our Programs

After School Socials

Join us each weekly for a social experience together with other Friendship Circle Participants. All are are welcome to these free social experiences. We can't wait to see you there! This program is on a temporary hiatus to survey for best days and times. Take our survey!

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